We used this challenge to get ready to act… and to shake us up if we were getting too serious!
What you need
What you need: A group of people; a large outdoor space; neighbourhood plants and trees.
FIRST: Gather a group of your friends, family and/or neighbours and decide where you’re going to play the game.
NEXT: Set boundaries and explore your playing area. As a group, stop and name all plants and trees you can find.
NOW: Choose someone to be IT. You can win yourself a time out by stopping next to a plant or tree and saying the name of it 3 times.
When someone is tagged, they become IT and the game continues!
Players only get a time out by pretending to eat a plant or tree.
Players only get a time out by sharing a fact about a plant or tree.
Whoever is IT yells out the name of an animal and everyone has to act like that animal while IT tries to catch them!